June Meetup
Join us for our June virtual PyDistrict. We have two great speakers who will be presenting: Mike Brown and Rami Chowdury.
Mike Brown - Before you commit, every commit: how to automate code quality
The python community has many tools for linting and enforcing pep8 coding standards, such as flake8, pylint, and black. Wouldn’t it be nice if these tools automatically ran — and automatically fixed — your code before it was pushed?
Rami Chowdury - Type Checking in Python
You've definitely heard of mypy, and possibly one or more of pytype, pyre, and pyright.
Holy cow -- that's a lot of options! What should you use? Rami talks about typechecking your Python for fun... and maybe profit?
Rami has been writing Python for over 10 years and checking types for less than half of them. He currently helps companies scale their use of Python at @CoiledHQ. Twitter: @necaris.